David-Gorodok Museum of Town History

Founded in 1995 as the city's public museum. In 2018 opened its second exhibition, which consists of three exhibition halls. The first of them reveals fragments of the origins of the essence or antiquity of the David-Gorodok region in material manifestations. These are fragments of atlas of G. Mercator, maps Makovsky, maps of David-Gorodok of 19th and 20th centuries, copies of documents and inventory of David-Gorodok castle of 17th century, handicrafts of 17th and 18th centuries, picture of coat of arms of 1796, remains of local culture of 19th - beginning of 20th centuries.

The exposition of this room also includes archeological findings from the Castle Mountain settlement.

"Here is the tale, David-Gorodok" This is how the famous contemporary poet Leonid Dranko-Moisyuk inspiredly called his native city. The exposition material is timed to the life and creative path of the David-Gorodok literary figures and accompanied by their photographs, books, manuscripts and other documents. The exposition also introduces the work of a famous master of arts and crafts K. K. Kozelko.

The exposition of the third hall "David-Gorodok as an eternity affectionate look" is an art exhibition in its form and content. It contains works by local artists Alexander Horoshun, Valentina Tikhon and Anatoly Kontsuba which depict the images of Pogoryn. Vladimir Urodnich, honored worker of arts of the Republic of Belarus, presented his work "The Morning of Horyn" to the museum.